Are You Fifty or Older and Divorcing in Colorado Springs?

If you are divorcing in or near Colorado Springs and you are fifty or older, be sure you have the advice and services that an experienced Colorado Springs divorce attorney will provide. Your attorney will protect your rights and explain your legal options in a Colorado divorce proceeding.

The divorce rate among people sixty-five and older tripled between 1990 and 2021. More than a third of the people divorcing in the U.S. are over fifty. Key factors can change in a marriage after the partners turn fifty. An empty nest, retirement, and declining health may trigger or contribute to a partner’s dissatisfaction with a long-term marriage.

A divorce is daunting at any age. It is not easy to divorce someone after thirty or more years, but if divorce is your choice – or your spouse’s choice – consult a Colorado Springs divorce lawyer as quickly as possible. You’ll receive the sound, candid, and personalized legal advice you need.

What Will You Have to Protect in a Gray Divorce?

“Gray” divorces – that is, divorces among those fifty and older – are different. When a younger couple chooses to divorce, they still have several decades to work. However, couples in their fifties and sixties may already be receiving Social Security or retirement benefits.

The financial aspects of divorce present a significant challenge for couples who are at or near retirement age. Your divorce attorney will fight aggressively to protect your rights, properties, assets, and interests throughout a Colorado divorce proceeding.

Do Adult Children Have Any Role in a Gray Divorce?

Child custody and child support are seldom part of a gray divorce, but adult children sometimes interfere and demand “a say” in how the divorce is resolved.

If a Colorado court suspects that an adult child is manipulating a parent in a divorce, the parent’s competency could become an issue in the proceeding.

Try to avoid leaning on your adult children during a gray divorce. A friend who is closer to your own age – someone without a direct financial or emotional stake in the divorce – can listen to you with more objectivity and understanding.

What Happens to Retirement Funds in a Gray Divorce?

A divorce in Colorado divides the properties, assets, and debts a couple has accumulated during a marriage. Retirement funds and benefits that one or both spouses have built during the course of the marriage are usually among a couple’s most valuable assets.

In most Colorado divorces, retirement accounts and pensions are divided evenly. However, the full value of a pension or retirement plan is not always marital property and is not always subject to division. Only those retirement funds acquired during the marriage are subject to division.

After your divorce, you should probably prepare a new estate plan “from scratch.” You will have to make adjustments if you no longer want your ex to inherit anything from you. Also, after a gray divorce, you should update any trust documents and medical directives appropriately.

What Are the Emotional Aspects of a Gray Divorce?

Your Colorado Springs divorce attorney will handle the financial and legal aspects of your gray divorce, but what about the emotional aspects of your divorce? Here are some suggestions that have helped others through a gray divorce:

  1. Stand up for yourself. Do not cave into intimidation or pressure from the spouse you’re divorcing, your adult children, or anyone else
  2. Stay active. Be a volunteer. Join organizations and clubs. Enjoy some recreational pursuits.
  3. There is probably no reason you shouldn’t start dating again. If you can date new people, you should.
  4. Forgive yourself. We have all made mistakes, but moving forward constructively and positively is what matters most now.

How Can You Help Your Divorce Attorney and Your Case?

Prepare yourself before you appear in a Colorado courtroom for a divorce proceeding. Read as much of the paperwork as you can. Have your lawyer answer all of your questions. You will have more confidence, and you will be able to help your attorney more as the case proceeds.

You must tell the whole truth in a Colorado divorce proceeding. Misrepresentation, deception, or exaggeration will damage your case and your credibility. Complete the required financial disclosure documents honestly and accurately. Your Colorado Springs divorce lawyer will help.

What Else Should You Know About Gray Divorce?

If you are over the age of fifty and your marriage is coming to an end, here are some additional facts you need to know:

  1. A Colorado court is more likely to order alimony (sometimes called spousal maintenance or support) after a long-term marriage.
  2. If you keep the house, you will lose something in return because you must compensate your ex for his or her share of the house.
  3. Try to remain emotionally neutral. An acrimonious divorce helps no one.
  4. Before you marry again, prepare a prenuptial agreement with an attorney’s help.

Adults over fifty have more of a long-term perspective. Although divorce is never easy, older adults may be better than young adults at handling the emotional distress that usually accompanies a divorce.

Let The Lux Law Firm Handle Your Gray Divorce

If you are over age fifty and you are divorcing your spouse – or if your spouse is divorcing you – reach out at once to the award-winning family law team at The Lux Law Firm. We will ensure that you receive everything that is legally and rightfully yours in your final divorce settlement.

The Lux Law Firm represents clients in Colorado Springs and across El Paso County. We handle divorces as well as child custody and child support cases and matters of criminal law. The Lux Law Firm has built a reputation for legal excellence and outstanding client service.

To learn more about your rights if you are divorcing after age fifty, call 719-451-7469 to schedule a free case evaluation with the family law team at The Lux Law Firm. We will analyze your case, explain your legal options, and ensure that the court treats you justly and appropriately.